One fun part of having your film on the festival circuit is getting to share your story too, especially with fellow filmmakers. Making films is hard – really, really, really hard. This film took me six years to make. People often ask, "Why did you make this film? How did you meet Dick Goin? Did you think the river would come back to life when you started the project? And, as a scientist, what inspired you to become a filmmaker?" I'm a fan of Q+As and talking about the storytelling process to find camaraderie in missteps and successes, and to learn big and small lessons for future projects. There's no sense in pretending documentary filmmaking is easy. Many thanks to the San Francisco Green Film Festival for expressing interest in my work and for conducting this interview. Read "Behind The Scenes: Filmmaker Jennifer Galvin" HERE. I'm proud that THE MEMORY OF FISH will screen at the San Francisco Green Film Festival on April 22nd for Earth Day.
After a long day shooting in-on-under the Elwha River.
Photo by the amazing Leah Hemberry Ricketts, Colchuck Media.